The exotic varieties of coffee were the answer we found 4 years ago to produce a very high-quality coffee and offer our clients varieties that are different from the traditional ones.exotic variety of coffee
In our coffee laboratory, we began to look for new options with more complex cup profiles, moving away a bit from the traditional Colombian washed coffee, which is characterized by being smooth and balanced.
Beyond enriching our portfolio, we seek to show the potential of Antioquia, Colombia where our farms are located and where we grow our coffees; each of them has different characteristics, which allow our seed to have numerous profiles, influenced by microclimates, soils and altitudes.
Focused on our objective, we have created the varietal project, with which we have managed to cultivate 21 different varieties with exotic mixtures from Africa, thanks to our management with allied producers.
Here is a list of them: Chiroso Caturra, Legendary Caturra, Maragogype, Java, Mokka, Why Why, SL-28, Sidanrume, Pink Bourbon, Cider Bourbon, Red Bourbon, Striped Bourbon, Yellow Bourbon, Laurina, Papayo, Cenicafé 1, Gesha, Orange Gesha, Yellow Caturra, Tabí, Colombia.

For this reason, although 70% of our coffees are washed, we try to get out of the ordinary, varying the fermentation and drying times to produce a coffee that meets the quality standards required to be classified as speciality coffee. But not only that, with the other 30%, we produce coffees with a natural and honey process, an interesting bet where we are always looking for the appearance of new flavours to expand the options for buyers and consumers and meet the needs of the market, which are becoming pickier about the flavours they want to find in their cups.
If you are looking for a brand that is committed to innovation in processes to bring your customers a different kind of coffee, we invite you to meet us. Follow us on social networks and stay up to date with all our posts!